Latest News
Happy new year and welcome back!
Welcome back. We hope you all enjoyed a lovely Christmas break, however you chose to spend it. The children are now all settled back in again and enjoying the different activities we offer every [...]
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! What a fantastic term we've had, finished off nicely with our Christmas party on the last day of term. All the children loved the dancing with Jess Lloyd from Universal Dance, [...]
Christmas Party
We are holding our Christmas party on the last day of term, Wednesday 21st December. All our children are welcome to attend, even if they don't usually attend on Wednesdays. Just drop your child/children off [...]
Music and movement
So it seems like our run of beautiful autumn weather has ended and the rain has arrived with a vengeance! We will still try to get outside as much as possible but some days are [...]
School connections
We’ve been as busy as ever having lots of fun and learning new skills and this week we had a visit from Miss Eaglen, the reception class teacher at Barcombe School. As many parents already [...]
First half term fun
We’ve had a lovely first half term and all our new little ones have settled in really well. We’ve had a busy few weeks of playing, cooking, painting, making and role playing. And we’ve had [...]
Dates for your diary
As usual we've got lots going on this term so watch this space for dates for your diary. We'll always send an email and a letter about any important dates as well so make sure [...]
New school year
We'd like to say a big hello to all our new children who are starting at Barcombe Playgroup this term. We hope you'll be very happy here with us and have as much fun as [...]
End of year trip to Spring Barn Farm
Every year at the end of the summer term we take the children on a little field trip funded by Playgroup and this year we visited Spring Barn Farm in Lewes. Don’t worry, parents and [...]
End of term BBQ
We were lucky to have such beautiful weather for our end of year BBQ, with delicious local sausages provided by Holmansbridge Farm, as usual. Kids and parents alike seemed to have a great time with [...]
Yoga Bunnies
Today one of the mummies came in to do some yoga with the children and they all loved it. Seb’s mum, Claire, is a qualified yoga teacher who lives in the village and volunteered to [...]
A sunny day
Today we went for a lovely walk in the sunshine. We walked from Playgroup down to the reservoir behind the village hall and floated boats on the water that we had made out of corks [...]